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Process Loans with Data You Can Trust

24/7 access and comprehensive data can improve efficiency and decision making.

Instant Verifications Help Streamline the Loan Approval Process

The Work Number® offers a suite of products that help provide applicant information about income and employment in seconds.
Featured Products
key benefits of verifications for consumer finance

Access to more than 734 million records and counting

Our vast database of records provides your business applicant insights beyond stated income.

Up-to-date employer-provided information.

Helps eliminate your company's reliance on applicant-provided pay stubs or W-2s.

Diverse suite of products

Every product is designed to help meet the unique verification needs of your business.

Fast access to information

Make quick, informed decisions that address the changing demands of the industry and consumers.
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How Verifications Can Help Increase Conversion Rates

By utilizing The Work Number database to verify employment and income, lenders may substantially increase conversion rates. When instantly verified, consumer finance applicants are 34% more likely to be funded.*

* Equifax Internal Study of The Work Number Inquiry Data, December 2018 - December 2019 United States consumer finance loans. Individual results may vary.


Innovations for Smarter and Quicker Lending Decisions

Learn how lenders can help provide borrowers with a more seamless digital journey while using alternative data to expand their credit box.

Looking to Manage Your Personal Employment and Income Data?

Doing so is simple, secure, and fast. 


Nearly 4.2 million employers contribute employment and income data, directly or through payroll providers, to The Work Number database.


The Work Number database offers credentialed verifiers access to more than 734 million records for verifications of income and employment.


The Work Number service fulfilled 149 million verification requests on behalf of consumers in 2024.

Not Sure What You Need?

Unlock the power of The Work Number. Let us help you find the verification solution to meet your needs.
Looking to download or manage your individual Employment Data Report? Visit Employees.TheWorkNumber.com