Starts Here

Pay As You Go
Prices Start at $66.45 Per Report*
Get employment and income reports starting at $66.45 for certain reports. Industry reports pricing may vary. Pay via credit card, e-check, or some payment apps.
Request a Quote
Interested in purchasing a large number of verifications? Please contact us for a quote based on your verification volume. 
* Price listed is valid for certain credit card, e-check, and payment app transactions only and applies per report. Price may vary according to industry, environment, and solution.

Let's Get Started!

Take the next step to access all the benefits The Work Number® database has to offer. Access fast, secure verifications for your business after a brief registration and credentialing process.
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Complete the Form 

Click the Start Verifying button to complete the online registration form and start the process. 
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Get Credentialed

Everyone who signs up goes through a rapid yet thorough credentialing process. Credentialing takes one to two business days. 
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Log In and Start Verifying

Once credentialing is complete, you can log in and start verifying.
Have you received a request to provide proof or verification of your employment or income?

Organizations needing to confirm your employment and income information can request and receive a verification of your data through The Work Number database. Please direct them to for more information on requesting verifications.

Ready to Register?

Take the next step and start requesting income and employment verification services from an industry leader.