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By Jenna Ostmann
AmeriSave Mortgage Corporation has been leveraging verification services from Equifax, including The Work Number®, to do just that. In fact, AmeriSave has seen a 15% improvement in mortgage origination efficiency as a result.
As of March 2018, AmeriSave has used The Work Number to verify income and employment for 80% of approximately 25,000 loans. Additionally, they have verified W-2 information on more than 72% of applicants through the Equifax 4506-T tax transcript solution. As a result, both AmeriSave and AmeriSave's borrowers have benefitted.
Verification solutions from Equifax have helped produce significant efficiency gains for AmeriSave staff while eliminating a tedious documentation process for its borrowers. Click here to request to speak to an Equifax representative about how your organization could benefit in similar ways.