Providing Value Throughout the Credit Card Lending Lifecycle Image
Providing Value Throughout the Credit Card Lending Lifecycle

Credit unions and banks know first impressions matter with your members. Making fast yet informed lending decisions from application and throughout the credit card lending lifecycle can help you build rapport from the beginning and help lay the groundwork for a beneficial relationship between you and your members.

With recent influxes of economic factors such as inflation, higher interest rates, and the resumption of student loan payment requirements, there has been a marked increase in credit card usage by consumers. 

Listen to our webinar to discover how:

  • You can build a “top-of-wallet” relationship with your members
  • A credit score may not be telling you the whole story
  • Alternative data can be used to increase credit approvals across all credit bands
  • It may be easier than you think to access employment data through your current technology partner

Watch this On-Demand Webinar Now!