Welcome to The Work Number

Welcome to the Communications Portal for The Work Number® from Equifax, an income and employment verification service for your business. 


Use these resources to arm your HR teams and employees with what they need to know about The Work Number® service. Please note, some of these templates may require customization for your organization, such as adding your Employer Code or removing information around income, employment, or immigration letters. If you have any questions around what your service includes, please reach out to TheWorkNumberPortalSupport@equifax.com.*

The Work Number Employer Portal - Reference Guide for HR

Find helpful information for your staff to use when communicating with employees and verifiers about The Work Number service.

Employee Guide and FAQ

This overview of The Work Number and its benefits to your employees also includes some frequently asked questions. This download contains both the English and Spanish versions.

Message to Verifiers

Leverage this voicemail script and/or message you can send to verifiers letting them know that you automate your income and employment verification requests with The Work Number.

Welcome Email

Introduce The Work Number service to your employees with this email message. This download contains both the English and Spanish versions.

Employee Flyer

This one-sheet guide to The Work Number is perfect to send as an attachment with the Welcome Email or to use as a quick summary for your HR resource site. This download contains both the English and Spanish versions.

How to Complete a PSLF Form - Employee Guide

For applicable employers, this guide is designed to assist your employees with the completion of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Form.

HR Admin Overview for The Work Number

This is your HR team’s complete guide to The Work Number Employer Portal for your organization’s day-to-day needs of the service including employee management and reporting.

*Please reach out to Workforce Solutions Support if you’re not sure if your service includes Social Service Verifications. 


What Your HR Teams and Employees Need to Know About The Work Number

The Work Number helps provide a frictionless verification process between credentialed verifiers and consumers to keep life moving.

Need Support?

If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Workforce Solutions Support at 1-877-664-8778. Support hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST and on Saturday from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM EST. You can also email us at workforcesolutionssupport@equifax.com.